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Organisation Chain NTPC Limited||Corporate Centre||USSC||CPG-3
Tender Reference Number NTPC/USSC-CPG3/9900282174
Tender ID 2024_NTPC_88201_1 Withdrawal Allowed Yes
Tender Type Limited Form Of Contract Supply
Tender Category Goods No. of Covers 2
General Technical Evaluation Allowed Yes [Compliance Required] ItemWise Technical Evaluation Allowed Yes
Payment Mode Not Applicable Is Multi Currency Allowed For BOQ No
Is Multi Currency Allowed For Fee No Allow Two Stage Bidding No
Cover No Cover Type Description Document Type
1 Fee/PreQual/Technical Bid documents Duly signed and stamped technical datasheet and SPC .pdf
2 Finance Price Bid .xls
Tender Fee in ₹ 0.00
Fee Payable To Nil Fee Payable At Nil
Tender Fee Exemption Allowed No
EMD Amount in ₹ 0.00 EMD Exemption Allowed No
EMD Fee Type fixed EMD Percentage NA
EMD Payable To Nil EMD Payable At Nil
BG Required No Minimum Direct EMD Payment in ₹ 0.00
Title Procurement of spares for KBL make Pumps for AHP NTPC Dadri
Work Description Procurement of spares for KBL make Pumps for AHP NTPC Dadri
NDA/Pre Qualification NA
Independent External Monitor/Remarks NA
Tender Value in ₹ NA Product Category Miscellaneous Goods Sub category NA 
Contract Type Tender Bid Validity(Days) 90 Period Of Work(Days) 120 
Location National Capital Power Project Pincode 201008 Pre Bid Meeting Place NA 
Pre Bid Meeting Address NA  Pre Bid Meeting Date NA  Bid Opening Place Simhadri Super Thermal Power
Should Allow NDA Tender No  Allow Preferential Bidder No
Published Date 29-Jun-2024 05:00 PM Bid Opening Date 06-Jul-2024 03:30 PM
Document Download / Sale Start Date 29-Jun-2024 05:05 PM Document Download / Sale End Date 05-Jul-2024 03:30 PM
Clarification Start Date 29-Jun-2024 05:05 PM Clarification End Date 04-Jul-2024 03:00 PM
Bid Submission Start Date 29-Jun-2024 05:05 PM Bid Submission End Date 05-Jul-2024 03:30 PM
NIT Document
S.No Document Name Description Document Size (in KB)
1 Tendernotice_1.pdf   NIT 204.84
Download as zip file
Work Item Documents
S.No Document Type Document Name Description Document Size (in KB)
1 Tender Documents TenderDocuments9900282174.rar Digital Signature Tender Documents 4467.07
2 BOQ BOQ_91391.xls Digital Signature Price Bid 308.50
Name C YogitaSr Manager (CPG3 CandM)
Address Simhadri Super Thermal Power P.O. SIMHADRI VISAKHAPATNAM 531020
Visitor No:2015746
Contents Owned and Maintained by NTPC Limited