« Old tenders published before 29th May should follow the old process of BG doc submission as exemption documents. « Bidder Manual for Online Payment of Tender related Fees in eProcurement Portal.
The latest FAQ'S published by various Government Departments, Directorates, Organisations, Institutions and local bodies of are listed here.
Online Enrolment
DSC Related
Tender Related
Security Related
Foreign Bidders Related
User Account Related
1. Who is a Nodal Officer ?

Nodal officer is the key official who drives the implementation of the project in their respective state Department / Organization. He also creates users for his organization and is responsible for overall user management.
2. Who will create users ?

Nodal officers of each department within states will create users for respective department who would have the roles of tender creator, Tender Publisher, Tender Opener and Tender Evaluator as per the need.
3. What is meant by role ?

Role is the activity assigned to a person to be performed in his official capacity. The assigned role can be for Tender Creator, Tender Publisher, Tender Opener, Tender Evaluator, etc.
4. Who is a Tender Creator ?

.Tender Creator is an official who has been assigned the role for Tender Creation activity. The user with this role can create tenders.
5. Who is a Tender Publisher ?

Tender Publisher is an official who will verify the correctness of the tender being published and has been assigned the role for Tender Publishing .
6. Who is a Tender Opener ?

Tender opener is an official who will open/decrypt the Bids received against the tender both for technical as well as financial packets.
7. Who is a Tender Evaluator ?

Tender evaluator is an official who will upload the summary of various stages of the tendering processes.
8. How do I contact my Nodal Officer to request for user creation ?

The names and contact details of all Nodal Officers are provided in the home page of portal and can be contacted for user creation.
9. I do not find tenders to be published by me in my menu which were created by my colleagues. How to see or publish these tenders ?

To publish tenders, you must be in the same level (organization/ department/ division/ subdivision) as your colleague is in. If the tenders are not seen, then the levels of the users might be different. Check with your nodal officer and get this sorted out by transferring to the respective level.
10. My name is not appearing in my bid openers list even though my DSC or encryption certificate is enrolled in the site. Why is it so ?

If the user is having Bid Opener role, that will get displayed for selecting the bid openers. However, the Expiry date of encryption certificate should be at least 15 days valid from the 1st Bid Opening Date. Only then the user will be displayed as one of the Bid Opener in the list.
11. In the case of a 2 of 2 Bid openers- one of the Bid opener DSC key is lost or due to some reason the DSC cannot be used for decryption. How do I handle this situation ?

Without both encryption certificates, the bids cannot be decrypted. It is always suggested to have 2 of 4 Bid openers option selected for handling such scenarios.
Mobile App Related
Bid Openers Related
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